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Our music resource has many different formats to search from so that you may find what you need to best integrate the beauty of Chant into your own liturgy. The wide range of modes, translations and various rites can be found in this section so that no matter what the occasion, the beauty of liturgical music can be celebrated and restored through song.

Liturgical Books

Browse a collection of resources on liturgical music. In this section you can find many of the books containing the chants and propers of Sundays, feasts, and commons as well as the sung chant parts for Vespers, Compline and other liturgies. 

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Questions surrounding the importance of sacred music and it’s use in the liturgy as well as the proper way to incorporate chant into the mass have been explored and answered. The resources in this section help to clarify and elaborate on the beauty and importance of sacred music at the mass and other sacred liturgies.


Mass Chants and Propers

This section provides the chants for the changing parts of the Mass proper to each liturgical day.  Under each day will be found the proper chants to be sung by the choir, namely the Introit, Graduale, Alleluia (or Tract), Offertory, and Communion.  For many of the days listed, the chants to be sung by the priest celebrant and/or the deacon and subdeacon are also provided, namely the Collect, the Epistle, the Gospel, and the Postcommunion.  Different tones are offered for some of the parts.


Magisterial Documents

Explore papal documents pertaining to sacred music and protocols for music to be used in different forms of the Mass and other liturgies. This section also includes a document issued by Pope John Paul II emphasizing the importance of Sacred Music in the church and reiterates Gregorian Chant as “an element of unity in the Roman Liturgy.”

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